Tribute to Frontliners

We stay at work for you, please stay at home for us – Frontliners

This is a personal project of mine and also my way of paying tribute and expressing gratitude to the Frontliners of our battle against the COVID-19 Pandemic. I took inspiration from the Avenger’s posters since I consider frontliners as real life superheroes in this challenging times. They are the ones who truly sacrifice their time, their strength, and safety in order to help us get through this very difficult battle. They are those who are risking their own lives and even their families’s live whenever they show up to fulfill their daily duties. There’s no amount of money or amount of wealth that can match these sacrifices but one thing we can do is to never forger their sacrifices and all the they are doing for us. 

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Poster Concept Design

Graphic Design

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Graphic Design